Moodle Help
- Logging Into Moodle Guidance: The first time you log into Moodle, you will require a few extra steps. To log into Moodle for the first time, you can watch this video (3:29 minutes). For step-by-step instructions, you can also view them on this page.
- If you need help with your account or logging into Moodle, please contact
- Students also can set up a one-on-one technology meeting with Tech Support for help with Moodle and other CU technology (e.g., GMail, Google Docs., Digication, etc.)
- Moodle App: Check out how to download the Moodle app (4:41 minutes) for your device!
- If you need help with your account or logging into Moodle, please contact
- Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Any student with a
documented disability is welcome to contact me as early in the semester
as possible so that we may arrange reasonable accommodations. If
students have questions about accommodations, please email Student
Accessibility Services at
- CU Library Resources: Need some additional resources for your work in a course? Check out our library page that connects you to your local libraries, how to use Google Scholar, and publicly available databases and resources.
- Moodle & other Tools Playlist: This playlist of videos can help you navigate Moodle, Google Docs, Zoom, and other CU tools.
Registration Help
- CU Registration Google Site: This site has a collection of resources to assist you with selecting courses for registration. You will register for classes in Campus Cafe.
- Video guide to Registration: Watch this video (5:34 minutes) for a visual guide for navigating the College Unbound Registration Google Site, viewing course lists for registration, registering for courses in Campus Cafe, and viewing your class schedule.
(Edited by Hanna Lichtenstein - original submission Monday, 29 August 2022, 4:56 PM)